Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test (MSLHST)

The Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test (MSLHST) is an effective test used to assess the balance capabilities of athletes. This dynamic and static balance test focuses on each leg individually, allowing a comprehensive evaluation of an athlete’s balance.

Purpose and Equipment Required

The MSLHST measures both dynamic and static balance of the whole body. To conduct the test, you will need a flat, smooth, non-slip surface, measuring tape, marking tape, and a metronome.

Test Procedure

During the test, the subject performs dynamic forward and diagonal one-legged jumps while maintaining static landing positions. The markers are strategically placed according to the participant’s standing height. The distances between the markers are calculated to ensure accuracy.

The subject begins by standing on one foot on the start marker, with hands rested on the hips. Following the metronome cues, the subject hops to the next marker, ensuring that the foot entirely covers the marker upon landing. Each landing position is maintained for five seconds before advancing to the next marker. The test continues in numerical order as depicted in the figure. The same procedure is repeated for the other leg.

Scoring and Interpretation

The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) is used to assess the test results. Assessors record any errors made during the jumps, including landing errors and balance errors. Landing errors can accumulate up to 3 points per landing, while balance errors can total up to 10 points per landing. For the 10 marker jumps, the maximum possible error score is 130. A lower total score indicates better balance capabilities.

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Target Population and Interpretation

The MSLHST is specifically designed for the clinical assessment of athletes’ balance. It is important to note the subject’s normal foot preference, as this can aid in interpreting the test results.


Q: What is the purpose of the MSLHST?
A: The purpose of the MSLHST is to evaluate an athlete’s dynamic and static balance.

Q: How is the MSLHST scored?
A: The MSLHST is scored using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS), with landing errors and balance errors being recorded.

Q: Who is the target population for the MSLHST?
A: The MSLHST is specifically designed for clinical assessment in athletes.


The Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test is a valuable tool for assessing the balance capabilities of athletes. By evaluating both dynamic and static balance, this test provides valuable insights into an athlete’s overall balance. The MSLHST, when used in conjunction with other clinical assessments, can contribute to comprehensive balance analysis and aid in developing targeted training programs.

For more information on the Multiple Single-Leg Hop-Stabilization Test and other balance assessments, visit Auralpressure.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and recommendations.