Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Incremental Drop Jump

Drop Jump

The Incremental Drop Jump is a method used to measure reactive leg strength. This test involves an athlete jumping after a drop from a series of heights, starting from a 30cm box and gradually increasing to a 75cm box. This test is designed to measure the reactive strength index of the lower limbs.


The purpose of the Incremental Drop Jump test is to measure an athlete’s reactive strength index of their lower limbs.

Equipment Required

To perform this test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Vertical jump measurement mat (e.g., Just Jump mat, Myotest, infrared laser system)
  • Boxes or elevated platforms of different heights (e.g., 30cm, 45cm, 60cm, 75cm)


Before conducting the Incremental Drop Jump test, it is essential to follow these pre-test procedures:

  1. Explain the test procedures and objectives to the participant.
  2. Screen the participant for any health risks and obtain their informed consent.
  3. Prepare the necessary forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, and gender.
  4. Check and calibrate the timing mat measurement.
  5. Ensure the participant performs an appropriate warm-up.


The Incremental Drop Jump test is performed as follows:

  1. The athlete stands on the box adjacent to the timing mat, with hands placed on the hips.
  2. The athlete steps down off the box onto the mat, bending their knees upon landing.
  3. Immediately after landing, the athlete performs a maximal vertical jump, reaching as high as possible.
  4. The athlete lands back on the timing mat with both feet simultaneously.
  5. Repeat the test for increasing box heights (e.g., 30cm, 45cm, 60cm, 75cm).
  6. Provide an adequate rest period between each trial.
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The Reactive Strength Index (RSI) can be calculated by dividing the jump height by the ground contact time. The jump height is calculated in meters using the formula:

Jump Height = 4.9 x (0.5 x Time)^2

Ground contact time is the time between the first foot contact with the force platform and when the participant’s feet leave the mat.


The results of the Incremental Drop Jump test provide valuable information about an athlete’s reactive leg strength. For example, if an athlete jumps 36cm with a contact time of 0.18secs, their RSI would be 200. Athletes can improve their RSI by increasing the height of their jump, decreasing their ground contact time, or both.


While the Incremental Drop Jump test is effective, it does have some limitations. Athletes need to have a good degree of leg strength to perform this test, as the forces through the body are much higher than in a standard vertical jump test. Additionally, standard size boxes may not be readily available and may require custom-made equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the purpose of the Incremental Drop Jump test?
    The purpose of this test is to measure an athlete’s reactive strength index of their lower limbs.

  2. What equipment do I need to conduct the Incremental Drop Jump test?
    You will need a vertical jump measurement mat and boxes or elevated platforms of different heights.

  3. How is the Reactive Strength Index (RSI) calculated?
    RSI is calculated by dividing the jump height by the ground contact time.

  4. How can athletes improve their RSI?
    Athletes can improve their RSI by increasing the height of their jump, decreasing their ground contact time, or both.

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The Incremental Drop Jump test is a valuable tool for assessing an athlete’s reactive leg strength. By measuring the reactive strength index, coaches and trainers can gain insights into an athlete’s performance and identify areas for improvement. Proper execution of this test, along with adequate rest and training, can help athletes enhance their overall power and explosiveness.

To learn more about the Incremental Drop Jump and other fitness tests, visit Auralpressure.

Note: The content presented in this article is a reinterpretation and rewrite of the source material to align with the brand focus and reader intent.