Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

20 Yard Shuttle Test

The 20 Yard Shuttle Test, also known as the Pro Agility Shuttle or 5-10-5 Shuttle, is a widely used fitness test in various sports, including the NFL, NHL, MLS, baseball, hockey, and football. It is designed to measure speed, explosion, body control, and agility.


The purpose of the 20 Yard Shuttle Test is to assess an athlete’s ability to change direction quickly and efficiently, demonstrating their agility on the field. It is an essential component of performance evaluation in many team sports.

Equipment Required

To conduct the 20 Yard Shuttle Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Stopwatch or timing gates
  • Measuring tape or marked football field
  • 3 marker cones
  • Flat non-slip surface


Here’s how the 20 Yard Shuttle Test is conducted:

  1. Set up three marker cones along a line, five yards apart.
  2. The player starts by standing in a three-point stance, straddling the middle line and placing one hand on the ground.
  3. On the signal ‘Go,’ the player can choose to start by running either to the right or left direction.
  4. The player sprints five yards to touch the line with their right hand, then runs 10 yards to touch the other line with their left hand.
  5. Finally, the player turns and finishes by running back through the start/finish line, touching the line at each turn.
  6. The time taken to complete the test is recorded in seconds to the nearest two decimals.
  7. The best time out of three trials is considered the final score.
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[Image: Insert image of the 20 Yard Shuttle Test in action]

Scoring and Results

In the 20 Yard Shuttle Test, the athlete’s performance is measured by the time taken to complete the test. The score is recorded as the best time out of three trials. Notably, decathlete Bryan Clay achieved an impressive time of 4.38 seconds in this test during a SPARQ testing exercise.

Target Population

While the 20 Yard Shuttle Test is a part of the NFL testing combine, it is also suitable for athletes involved in various team sports like basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer. It provides valuable insights into an athlete’s ability to change direction rapidly on the field.

Tips and Considerations

Performing well in the 20 Yard Shuttle Test requires not only speed but also excellent turning technique and coordination. Athletes must touch the lines at each turn to ensure accurate and valid results.


  1. Is the 20 Yard Shuttle Test only for professional athletes?

    No, the 20 Yard Shuttle Test is suitable for athletes of all levels, from amateur to professional. It is widely used in fitness testing protocols and provides valuable insights into an athlete’s agility and change of direction ability.

  2. What other similar tests are there?

    Other similar shuttle tests include the Reactive Shuttle Test, which is a shorter shuttle with a reactive component used in the NBA combine, and the 20 Yard Agility Shuttle, used by the USA Women’s Soccer Team, where players only touch the lines with their foot. Additionally, there are other variations of shuttle runs, such as the 30 ft, 60 yards, 100 yards, and 300 yards shuttle tests.

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The 20 Yard Shuttle Test is a valuable tool for evaluating an athlete’s agility, speed, and ability to change direction. It plays a crucial role in the fitness testing protocols of various sports organizations and can provide valuable insights into an athlete’s performance on the field. Remember to practice good turning technique and coordination to achieve optimal results.

For more information about the 20 Yard Shuttle Test and other fitness testing protocols, visit Auralpressure.