Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test

Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test is a valuable flexibility test for assessing shoulder range of motion. This test consists of two parts: reaching the opposite scapula (shoulder blade) from above and from below. It provides insight into the shoulder’s abduction, external rotation, internal rotation, and adduction. The simplicity of this test lies in the fact that it requires no equipment, making it easily accessible for anyone.


To perform the Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test, the subject stands upright and attempts to touch the superior medial angle of the opposite scapula with one hand. This movement assesses the shoulder’s abduction and external rotation. The subject must hold this position for 1 to 2 seconds. Next, the subject reaches back with the same hand to touch the inferior angle of the opposite scapula, assessing the shoulder’s internal rotation and adduction.

It’s important to test both the left and right shoulders to achieve a comprehensive evaluation of shoulder flexibility.


Each arm is given one trial. In the Brockport assessment, the scoring ranges from 0 to 3, as follows:

  • 3: Touch the superior medial angle of the opposite scapula
  • 2: Touch the top of the head
  • 1: Touch the mouth
  • 0: Unable to touch the mouth


The Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test is a straightforward test that can be conducted without any additional equipment. It provides valuable information regarding shoulder range of motion.

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Recommendations and Notes

If the subject experiences pain during the test, it is essential not to proceed further. Safety and comfort should always be prioritized during any flexibility assessment.

The Test in Action

A modified version of the Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test, which involves reaching from above, is included in the Brockport Assessment.

Similar Tests

  • Shoulder Stretch: This test assesses the ability to bring the hands together behind the back.
  • Shoulder Reach Flexibility Test: Measures the ability to bring the hands within 5cm behind the back.
  • Back Scratch Test: Evaluates shoulder movement by attempting to bring the hands together behind the back.

Related Pages

  • Explore other flexibility tests.
  • Learn more about the FitnessGram program.
  • Watch flexibility test videos.
  • Discover more about the Brockport test battery.

Related Products

  • Purchase FitnessGram Products.
  • Visit the Flexibility Store for apparatus to measure flexibility.


  1. What is the purpose of Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test?

    • Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test is designed to measure shoulder range of motion.
  2. Is any equipment required for Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test?

    • No, this test requires no additional equipment.
  3. What does the scoring system for Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test entail?

    • The scoring ranges from 0 to 3, with different levels based on the reach achieved.


In summary, the Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test is a valuable assessment tool for measuring shoulder range of motion. It consists of reaching the opposite scapula from above and below, evaluating the shoulder’s abduction, external rotation, internal rotation, and adduction. This test offers simplicity and accessibility, requiring no equipment. By following the correct procedure and adhering to safety guidelines, it provides valuable insights into an individual’s shoulder flexibility. Incorporate the Apley’s Shoulder Scratch Test into your fitness assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of shoulder mobility. For further information and resources, visit

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