Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Soccer FIT Interval Test

The Soccer FIT Interval Test is a widely recognized fitness assessment developed by the Soccer Fit Academy in 2005. Initially known as the CAP (Centers for Athletic Performance) Soccer Specific Interval Test (SSIT) and also referred to as the Fitness Interval Test (FIT), it was specifically designed for soccer but can be used for any sport that involves periods of intense effort followed by slower movements or rest.

This assessment is unique because it incorporates various locomotive patterns, changes of pace, changes of direction, and recovery periods. While the Soccer Fit Academy promotes this test, its application may be limited outside of their organization.


The primary purpose of the Soccer FIT Interval Test is to evaluate an individual’s ability to consistently perform exercise intervals over an extended period of time.

Equipment Required

To conduct the test, you will need a 25-yard area, marker cones, a measuring tape, a stopwatch, and a whistle or pre-recorded audio track.

Test Procedure

The test involves marking two lines 25 yards apart, with an additional line at 10 yards. Participants are required to complete two consecutive runs in 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second rest period. They then perform two more intervals in 29 seconds, again followed by a 30-second rest period. This pattern continues, with each subsequent interval being completed in one second less than the previous one, until the participant is unable to complete the required distance within the allotted time. The rest time between intervals is always 30 seconds. Each interval consists of covering 10 yards up and back, 10 yards up and back again, and finally, 25 yards up and back.

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The total distance covered during the test is recorded. Participants usually note the interval number at which they were unable to complete the required distance (e.g., 20-1 would indicate the first run of the 20-second level), and distance is calculated using a supplied chart. Typically, the best times fall within the 16 to 18 range.


The Soccer FIT Interval Test can be modified to include or exclude the use of a ball (soccer or basketball), which adds a skill element and better reflects the demands of the sport. Some variations of the test incorporate walking for the first 10-yard circuit, side-stepping for the second 10 yards, and sprinting for the final 25-yard loop.

Target Population

Although primarily developed for soccer players, the Soccer FIT Interval Test is also suitable for similar sports teams that have intermittent playing patterns. It has also been utilized in testing basketball players.


For further information, a study on Creating a Soccer Specific Interval Test was presented in poster format at the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s National Conference in 2009. The study was conducted by Scott Moody of SoccerFIT Academy.


Q: What is the purpose of the Soccer FIT Interval Test?

A: The Soccer FIT Interval Test assesses an individual’s ability to perform exercise intervals consistently over an extended period.

Q: Can the Soccer FIT Interval Test be used for sports other than soccer?

A: Yes, while initially designed for soccer, this test is suitable for any sport that involves periods of intense effort followed by slower movements or rest.

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Q: What equipment is required to conduct the Soccer FIT Interval Test?

A: To conduct the test, you will need a 25-yard area, marker cones, a measuring tape, a stopwatch, and a whistle or pre-recorded audio track.

Q: How is the test scored?

A: The total distance covered during the test is recorded. Participants note the interval number at which they were unable to complete the required distance, and distance is calculated using a supplied chart.


The Soccer FIT Interval Test is a fitness assessment developed by the Soccer Fit Academy that evaluates an individual’s ability to consistently perform exercise intervals over an extended period of time. It is designed for soccer but can be applied to other sports with similar intermittent playing patterns. The test involves running intervals of decreasing time, with rest periods in between. The total distance covered is recorded, and the best times typically fall within the 16 to 18-second range. Variations of the test can be done with or without a ball, and it is commonly used in basketball player testing as well. For more information, refer to the study on Creating a Soccer Specific Interval Test presented by Scott Moody of SoccerFIT Academy. To conduct the test, you will need a 25-yard area, marker cones, a measuring tape, a stopwatch, and a whistle or pre-recorded audio track.