Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Welcome to Tee-Ball: The Perfect Introduction to Baseball for Young Children

Tee-Ball, a simplified version of baseball, is a team sport designed to introduce young children to the game. It not only teaches them the rules of baseball but also helps develop their hand-eye coordination and ball skills. In Tee-Ball, instead of a pitcher pitching the ball, the hitter hits the ball off a stationary tee, making it easier for young children to engage with the game and develop their skills. The use of a softer ball adds an extra level of safety for children.

The Objective of Tee-Ball

The objective of Tee-Ball is for one team to defeat another by scoring more runs. During their innings, teams attempt to score as many runs as possible while also preventing their opponents from scoring runs while fielding. However, the greater objective of Tee-Ball is to introduce children to baseball and sports in general. It not only familiarizes them with the rules of baseball but also gets them active and helps develop their hand-eye coordination and ball skills.

Players & Equipment

One of the reasons behind the popularity of Tee-Ball is its simplicity and the minimal equipment required to play the game. Teams consist of 5 to 7 players, but more can be added by agreement. All players should wear suitable training shoes, and when batting, each player is required to wear a safety helmet and gloves. The bats used in Tee-Ball are between 25 and 26 inches long, and the balls are special Tee-Ball ones, which are softer and help minimize the risk of injuries.

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Scoring and Winning the Game

The scoring system in Tee-Ball is similar to baseball. Each member of the batting team who makes it around all the bases scores a point for their team. In games involving younger children, scoring may not be emphasized, and the focus is on fun, hand-eye coordination, ball skills, and team experience. At the end of the match, the runs scored by each team are added together, and the team with the most runs is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a tiebreaker inning can be played, but it is also common to draw the game due to the friendly nature of the sport.

Rules of Tee-Ball

  • Tee-Ball is played by two teams of 5 to 7 players, but the teams can be adjusted to have equal sizes.
  • A coin toss determines whether a team will bat or field first.
  • The number of innings is the same as the number of players on each team, with the hitting order rotating each inning to give every player a chance to lead off.
  • When batting, the ball is placed on a tee, and the batter hits it. The batter is entitled to as many swings as needed.
  • A player is considered out if the ball is caught without hitting the ground, if a fielder with the ball stands on the base before the runner reaches it, or if a fielder tags a runner between bases.
  • An inning is complete when each player on the batting team has had a turn to bat.
  • After the first team has completed their innings, it is the turn of the opposing team to bat.
  • Fielding positions include the pitcher, who fields the diamond area, the catcher, who places the ball on the tee and tags runners, and bases who run out players.
  • Additional fielders are placed around the playing area if playing with larger numbers.
  • Runners can only advance to the base they were going for after a throw is made. If they turn back towards a previous base, they must return to that base.
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In Tee-Ball, the team with the highest number of points at the end of the game emerges as the winner.


Q: What is the objective of Tee-Ball?
A: The objective of Tee-Ball is to introduce young children to baseball and sports in general while developing their hand-eye coordination and ball skills.

Q: How many players are there in a Tee-Ball team?
A: Tee-Ball teams consist of 5 to 7 players, but the team sizes can be adjusted by agreement.

Q: How is Tee-Ball scored?
A: Tee-Ball is scored similarly to baseball, with each member of the batting team who makes it around all the bases scoring a point for their team.


Tee-Ball is an excellent team sport for young children to get started with baseball. Its simplified rules and use of a stationary tee make it easier for children to hit the ball and engage with the game. Tee-Ball not only teaches the rules of baseball but also helps develop hand-eye coordination and ball skills, making it a perfect introduction to sports for young children. By adhering to the rules and guidelines of Tee-Ball, children can have fun, stay active, and learn valuable skills that will benefit them in any sport they choose to pursue.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to introduce your child to the world of sports. Get them started with Tee-Ball today!