Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Table Football “foosball”

Table football, also known as foosball or fuzboll, is a thrilling table-top sport that draws inspiration from Association Football. Originating in the UK, this sport has gained popularity in numerous countries worldwide.

The game is played on a foosball table consisting of eight rows of rotatable bars. Each bar is equipped with foosmen figures, and there are four rows on each team’s side. The objective is to score goals by rotating the bars to move the ball into the opponent’s goal.

Table football can be played in singles or doubles format, with most major competitions focusing on individual players. Singles matches involve one player controlling all four rows, while doubles matches divide control between offense and defense rows. The game concludes when a fixed number of goals is reached, with the first player or team to achieve this declared the winner. The number of goals required for victory may differ between competitions.

Various table types are used for table football, with five approved for major competitions: Leonhart, Bonzini, Garlando, Roberto Sport, and Fireball.

The Single’s World Championship is the highest level of competition held annually for table football. Additionally, there are yearly Single’s World Championship tournaments conducted on each approved table type.

In 2017, the International Table Soccer Federation was granted ‘observer status’ by the Global Association of International Sports Federations, a significant step towards official recognition as a sport.

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Similar Sports

  • Association Football
  • Sports Table Football — a game inspired by Association Football, played with action figures on a tabletop, similar to Subbuteo.
  • Footpool — a novel version of billiards using an oversized table and soccer balls.
  • Air Hockey — an exhilarating game played on an air-hockey table, involving hitting a puck into the opponent’s goal on an air cushion.

Related Pages

  • About football (general)
  • Football Decoder — exploring football terminology used around the world.
  • Complete list of sports
  • The Encyclopedia of Sports


Q: How is table football played?
A: Table football is played on a foosball table with eight rows of rotatable bars. Each team has four rows, and the objective is to score goals by moving the ball into the opponent’s goal using the foosmen figures on the bars.

Q: What are the different types of tables used in table football?
A: There are five approved table types for major competitions: Leonhart, Bonzini, Garlando, Roberto Sport, and Fireball.

Q: Is table football played in singles or doubles format?
A: Table football can be played in both singles and doubles formats. In singles matches, one player controls all four rows, while in doubles matches, control is divided between offense and defense rows.

Q: What is the highest level of competition in table football?
A: The Single’s World Championship is considered the highest level of competition in table football, with tournaments held annually. Separate championships are also conducted for each approved table type.

Q: Is table football recognized as an official sport?
A: In 2017, the International Table Soccer Federation gained ‘observer status’ from the Global Association of International Sports Federations, a significant step towards official recognition as a sport.

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Table football, or foosball, is an exciting table-top sport that has captured the attention of players and enthusiasts worldwide. With its roots in Association Football, this game offers thrilling matches that can be played in both singles and doubles formats. The objective is to score goals by skillfully moving the ball using the rotatable bars and foosmen figures. Various table types are approved for major competitions, and the highest level of competition is the Single’s World Championship. In 2017, table football made strides towards official recognition as a sport. So why not grab a foosball table and experience the joy of this fast-paced and competitive game?