Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

AFL Player Anthropometry – The Key Physical Attributes for Success

When it comes to success in Australian Football League (AFL), players come in all shapes and sizes. However, specific physical attributes can significantly impact their performance. In this article, we will explore the importance of body size and composition, height, girths and widths, weight/body composition in AFL player anthropometry.

Body Size and Composition

While body size and composition may not be rated as highly important in terms of success in AFL, they still play a crucial role. Factors such as height, hand span, arm length, body mass, and skinfolds can all influence a player’s performance. For instance, being tall gives players an advantage in reaching for the ball, while body shape can affect balance. Additionally, carrying excess body fat can increase fatigue levels during games and training sessions.


Height is undeniably advantageous in AFL, particularly for ruckmen. Taller players with a good leap and positional skills tend to win ruck contests more often. Height also benefits players in overhead marking contests and reaching for the ball. However, being shorter can also have advantages, such as better balance and agility while going for loose balls.

Girths and Widths

The width of a player’s outstretched hand and the length of their arms can impact their ability to grab opposition players and mark the ball. Longer arms may provide an advantage when taking a mark or tackling an opponent.

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Weight and Body Composition

Regardless of a player’s height, excess body fat can hinder their mobility on the field and increase fatigue during training and games. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple way to assess the weight relative to a player’s height and understand its impact on performance.

In conclusion, while body size and composition may not be rated as highly important in AFL, they still have a significant impact on a player’s performance. Height, girths and widths, weight, and body composition all play a role in different aspects of the game. Understanding these physical attributes can help players optimize their performance on the field.


Q: Does body size and composition really affect an AFL player’s performance?

A: Yes, while body size and composition may not be the most important factors, they do influence an AFL player’s performance. Height, girths, widths, weight, and body composition all play a role in different aspects of the game.

Q: Are taller players always more successful in AFL?

A: While height can be advantageous in certain situations, such as ruck contests and overhead marking contests, being shorter also has its benefits, such as better balance and agility. Success in AFL is not solely determined by height.


In AFL, player anthropometry plays a significant role in performance. While body size and composition may not be the top factors for success, they should not be ignored. Height, girths, widths, weight, and body composition all have their impact on a player’s abilities on the field. Understanding these physical attributes can help players enhance their performance and optimize their gameplay. To excel in AFL, players must strive for a balanced and well-suited body in relation to the demands of the sport.

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