Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Forearm Girth

Gaining insights into body composition involves measuring various anatomical sites around the body. One such measurement is forearm girth, a measurement of the forearm’s circumference at its largest point. This measurement provides valuable information about the underlying musculature and adipose tissue. When combined with skinfold measurements, forearm girth can offer a clearer picture of changes in tissue composition and the distribution of muscle and fat.

Purpose and Equipment

The purpose of measuring forearm girth is to gauge the forearm’s size and composition. To conduct this measurement, you will need a flexible metal tape measure and a pen suitable for marking the skin. It is important to regularly check plastic or cloth tape measures against a metal tape, as they may stretch over time.

Procedure and Reliability

Forearm girth is typically measured on the right side of the body. The subject should extend their arm with the palm facing upwards. You will measure along the forearm at the point of greatest circumference, which is usually closer to the elbow. It may be necessary to move the tape up and down the forearm to locate the exact point of maximum circumference. When recording the measurement, ensure that the tape is not too tight or too loose and lies flat against the skin.

Factors that may affect the reliability of forearm girth measurements include changes in testing personnel, consistent tension on the tape, and correct landmarking to identify the correct anatomical site for measurement.

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Advantages and Considerations

One significant advantage of forearm girth measurement is its low cost. However, it is essential to remove any clothing that covers the measurement site to ensure accurate tape placement and determine the correct circumference.

Similar Tests and Related Pages

Other measurements related to forearm girth include wrist girth, flexed arm girth measurement, and relaxed arm girth measurement. If you’re interested in learning more about girth measurements and related tests, you can explore our general description of taking girth measurements and access links to other girth measures. Additionally, we offer a discussion about body size testing, information about using MyoTape for girth measurement, and videos demonstrating anthropometric tests.


Q: How is forearm girth measured?
A: Forearm girth is measured by using a flexible metal tape measure and recording the circumference of the forearm at its largest point, usually closer to the elbow.

Q: What information does forearm girth measurement provide?
A: Forearm girth measurement offers insights into the size and composition of the forearm’s musculature and adipose tissue, providing a valuable understanding of tissue distribution and composition changes.

Q: Are there any considerations to keep in mind when measuring forearm girth?
A: Yes, it is important to remove any clothing covering the measurement site to ensure accurate tape placement and obtain the correct circumference.


In summary, forearm girth measurement is a cost-effective method to gain insights into the composition and size of the forearm’s musculature and adipose tissue. By combining forearm girth measurements with skinfold measurements, a more comprehensive understanding of changes in tissue composition can be achieved. It is crucial to follow the correct procedure, ensuring consistent tension on the tape and accurate landmarking for reliable results. For further information on girth measurements and related tests, including wrist girth and flexed arm girth measurement, explore our comprehensive resources.

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