Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Bench Press Test (Brockport)

The Bench Press Test is an upper body strength and endurance test that forms part of the Brockport fitness testing battery. Originally designed for children with disabilities, this test has since been adapted for use with all children and can even be modified for adults with a heavier weight. The test involves performing as many bench presses as possible using a 35lb (15.9kg) barbell.


The purpose of the Bench Press Test is to measure the maximum strength endurance of the chest and arm muscles.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need a sturdy bench, a 35lb (15.9kg) barbell (or barbells and weights that together weigh 35lbs), and a spotter for safety.

Test Procedure

The subject begins by lying face up on the bench with their feet flat on the floor and their upper and lower back in contact with the bench. They grasp the barbell at shoulder distance apart with their arms flexed. The test begins with a lift from this starting position, with the barbell resting on the chest, to a fully extended position, and then returning to the starting position. The subject repeats this action without rest. Each repetition should be performed with a controlled and smooth motion, completing approximately one repetition every 3 to 4 seconds. The test ends when the subject is unable to complete a repetition or when they have completed 50 reps (males) or 30 reps (females).

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The maximum number of full repetitions successfully completed is recorded, with a maximum of 50 reps for males and 30 reps for females.

Target Population

While initially designed for children with disabilities, the Bench Press Test can be used with all children and can be adapted for use with adults by increasing the weight.

Safety Considerations

For safety, a spotter should stand at the head of the bench throughout the test.


  • Johnson, R.E., & Lavay, B. (1989). Fitness testing for children with special needs: An alternative approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 60(6), 50-53.
  • Winnick, J. P. & Short, F.X. (2014). The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual. 2nd Ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

The Test in Action

This test is part of the Brockport fitness testing battery.

Similar Tests

  • Bench Press Max: This test measures the maximum number of reps that can be done using a set weight and is commonly used in the NFL, NBA, and NHL combines.
  • Relative Bench Press Test: This test measures the maximum number of bench presses using a percentage of body weight.
  • Dumbbell Press: This test involves lifting a 15lb (6.8kg) dumbbell as many times as possible at a specific cadence.

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Q: Is the Bench Press Test suitable for adults?

Yes, the Bench Press Test was initially designed for children with disabilities but can be adapted for use with adults by increasing the weight.

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Q: What equipment is required for the Bench Press Test?

To conduct the Bench Press Test, you will need a sturdy bench, a 35lb (15.9kg) barbell (or barbells and weights that together weigh 35lbs), and a spotter for safety.

Q: How is the Bench Press Test scored?

The maximum number of full repetitions successfully completed is recorded, with a maximum of 50 reps for males and 30 reps for females.

Q: Is a spotter necessary for the Bench Press Test?

Yes, for safety, a spotter should stand at the head of the bench throughout the test.

Q: Are there any similar tests to the Bench Press Test?

Yes, similar tests to the Bench Press Test include the Bench Press Max, which measures the maximum number of reps using a set weight, and the Relative Bench Press Test, which measures the maximum number of bench presses using a percentage of body weight.


The Bench Press Test is a valuable assessment of upper body strength and endurance. Originally designed for children with disabilities, this test has since been adapted for use with all children and can even be modified for adults. By following the proper procedures and safety guidelines, the Bench Press Test provides an effective way to measure an individual’s maximum strength and endurance in their chest and arm muscles. Consider incorporating this test into your fitness routine to track your progress and improve your overall upper body strength.

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