Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

10-Meter Agility Shuttle (4x10m)

The 10-meter agility shuttle test is a measure of speed, agility, and the ability to change direction quickly. In this test, participants run between two lines that are 10 meters apart, picking up small blocks along the way. It is similar to the 30-feet shuttle run test used in the President’s Challenge Fitness Awards, but with the addition of picking up blocks.


The purpose of the 10-meter agility shuttle test is to evaluate an individual’s speed, body control, and agility. It provides insights into their ability to change direction efficiently.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Two wooden blocks for each runner (each measuring 10 x 5 x 5 cm)
  • Marker cones or marking tape
  • Measurement tape
  • Stopwatch
  • Flat non-slip surface with two lines 10 meters apart


Here’s how to conduct the 10-meter agility shuttle test:

  1. Mark two lines 10 meters apart using marking tape or cones.
  2. Place two blocks on the line opposite the starting line.
  3. Instruct the participant to place their front foot behind the starting line.
  4. Start the test by giving the signal “go!”
  5. The participant sprints to the opposite line, picks up a block, and runs back to place it on or beyond the starting line.
  6. Without resting, they turn and run back to retrieve the second block and carry it back across the finish line.
  7. Two trials are performed, and the better time is recorded.
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The score for the 10-meter agility shuttle test is the time to complete the test in seconds, recorded to the nearest one decimal place. If a block is dropped or thrown, the trial is void.

Target Population

This test is especially suitable for children as a measure of general athleticism. It is also relevant for sports that require agility, such as tennis, soccer, and basketball. The 10-meter agility shuttle test is used in various fitness testing programs, including the International Physical Fitness Test, Singapore’s National Physical Fitness Award, and the ALPHA-Fit European Fitness Testing Battery.


The 10-meter agility shuttle test offers several advantages:

  • It can be conducted on large groups relatively quickly.
  • Minimal equipment is required, making it a cost-effective option.

Test in Action

See more details about the 10-meter agility shuttle test here.

Similar Tests

There are several similar tests that measure agility and speed:

  • 30-feet shuttle run test that is part of the President’s Challenge Fitness Awards: Participants run 30 feet x 4, moving blocks from one end to the other.
  • 40 Yard Shuttle Run: Participants run 30 feet x 4, touching the floor with both hands and feet on or beyond the turn-around line simultaneously.
  • The Army version of the 60-yard shuttle requires participants to pick up blocks of wood.
  • The 10 x 5m Shuttle Test is a measure of speed and agility and is part of the Eurofit Testing Battery.
  • Other shuttle runs include the 20-yard agility run, 20 yards shuttle run, 60 yards shuttle run, and 300 yards shuttle run.
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Q: How can I conduct the 10-meter agility shuttle test on a large group efficiently?

To conduct the 10-meter agility shuttle test on a large group efficiently, it is essential to have a well-organized setup. Marking the lines clearly, assigning participants to specific lanes, and having dedicated personnel for timekeeping can help streamline the process.

Q: What is the ideal surface for conducting the 10-meter agility shuttle test?

A flat non-slip surface is ideal for conducting the 10-meter agility shuttle test. It ensures the safety of participants and allows them to perform at their best without the risk of slipping.

Q: Can the 10-meter agility shuttle test be used to evaluate athletes in specific sports?

Yes, the 10-meter agility shuttle test can be used to evaluate athletes in sports that require agility, such as tennis, soccer, and basketball. It provides valuable insights into an athlete’s ability to change direction quickly and efficiently.


The 10-meter agility shuttle test is a valuable assessment tool for measuring speed, agility, and the ability to change direction. It involves running between two lines 10 meters apart and picking up small blocks. This test is widely used in various fitness testing programs and is particularly suitable for assessing children’s general athleticism. By conducting the 10-meter agility shuttle test, you can gain valuable insights into an individual’s physical abilities and track their progress over time.

To learn more about the 10-meter agility shuttle test and its implementation, visit our website Improve your agility and overall fitness by incorporating this test into your training regimen today!

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