Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

60-Yard Shuttle Test

The 60-Yard Shuttle Test is a valuable assessment of anaerobic speed endurance used in various sports and fitness evaluations. It involves participants running to 5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards, there and back, for a total distance of 60 yards. This test serves as a component of the fitness testing battery for the NFL Combine and has been utilized in US Army fitness testing as well.

Purpose and Equipment

The primary objective of the 60-Yard Shuttle Test is to measure an individual’s anaerobic speed endurance. To conduct this test, you will need a stopwatch, a measuring tape or a marked football field, marker cones, and a flat non-slip surface.

Test Procedure

The 60-Yard Shuttle Test consists of a ladder shuttle with progressively increasing distances. Four marker cones are placed 5 yards apart. The athlete starts from one end, runs 5 yards and returns to the start, then proceeds to run 10 yards and return, followed by 15 yards and a final return to the start line. This completes a total distance of 60 yards. The participant must touch the line with their hand at each turn and sprint through the finish line, resulting in five touches.

In the Army version of this test, participants pick up a wooden block at the 5 and 10-yard marks, returning it to the start line. The final block at 15 yards is picked up and carried across the finish line.

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Scoring and Target Population

The 60-Yard Shuttle Test requires recording the time it takes to complete the test in seconds. The score is determined by the best time achieved out of three trials. This test is widely used in the NFL Combine but is also suitable for athletes participating in team sports such as basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer.

Test Variations and Similar Tests

The 60-Yard Shuttle Test is a longer version of the 20-yard shuttle agility test, another commonly used evaluation in the NFL Combine. Additionally, there are other shuttle run variations, including the 5m Multiple Shuttle (30 seconds of shuttles increasing by 5m over a 25m course), the 30 Feet (9.15m) Agility Shuttle Run used in the President’s Challenge Fitness Awards, and shuttle runs of various distances such as 100 yards and 300 yards.

Further Resources

If you want to learn more about anaerobic capacity testing or NFL Combine testing, check out the related pages below.


Q: What is the purpose of the 60-Yard Shuttle Test?
A: The 60-Yard Shuttle Test is designed to assess an individual’s anaerobic speed endurance.

Q: How is the 60-Yard Shuttle Test scored?
A: The time taken to complete the test in seconds is recorded, and the best time out of three trials is considered the score.

Q: Which sports or activities is the 60-Yard Shuttle Test suitable for?
A: The 60-Yard Shuttle Test is utilized in the NFL Combine, but it is also relevant for athletes involved in team sports such as basketball, hockey, rugby, and soccer.

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The 60-Yard Shuttle Test is a valuable assessment used in sports and fitness evaluations to measure anaerobic speed endurance. Participants run to different distances and back, covering a total of 60 yards. This test is commonly employed in the NFL Combine and is suitable for athletes participating in various team sports. In addition to the 60-Yard Shuttle Test, there are other shuttle run variations used for fitness testing. For further information and resources, refer to the related pages section below. Take your training and performance to the next level with the 60-Yard Shuttle Test!