Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Hexagonal Obstacle Agility Test (Hex Jump)

The Hexagonal Obstacle Test, also known as the Hex Jump, is an agility test specifically designed for alpine skiers. Unlike the traditional hexagon test, participants in this test must quickly jump over obstacles arranged in a hexagon shape as they move in and out of the formation. The aim of this test is to assess the ability to move swiftly while maintaining balance.

Test Procedure and Equipment

To perform the Hexagonal Obstacle Test, you will need obstacles ranging in height from 20cm to 35cm, a stopwatch, and recording sheets. The test layout requires placing six obstacles in a hexagon shape, with each side measuring 66cm (26 inches). Participants start with both feet together in the middle of the hexagon and, upon the command ‘go’, must jump laterally over the obstacles, completing two full circuits in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.

Scoring and Norms

The participant’s score is determined by the time taken to complete two full revolutions. The stopwatch starts on the command ‘go’ and stops upon completing two circuits and landing back in the middle after jumping the final hurdle. If any obstacles are hit during the test, the trial must be repeated. Norms for this test are primarily targeted towards junior elite alpine skiers.

Variations and Limitations

While the Hexagonal Obstacle Test requires specific hurdles of varying heights and can only be performed by one person at a time, there are alternative ways to conduct the test using cones or without obstacles. It is important to note that this test is specifically designed for assessing alpine skiers.

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Similar Tests

Other agility tests that are related to the Hexagonal Obstacle Test include the Hexagon Agility Test, the Quadrant Jump Test, the Multistage Hurdle Jump Test, and the 30 Second Endurance Jump.


The Hexagonal Obstacle Test (Hex Jump) is a valuable tool for evaluating the agility of alpine skiers. By quickly jumping over obstacles arranged in a hexagon shape, participants can demonstrate their ability to move swiftly while maintaining balance. Conducting this test with precision and adhering to the proper scoring techniques will ensure accurate results.