Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

Preparation for Fitness Testing

Athletes understand the importance of being prepared and ready to perform during fitness testing sessions. To help athletes get ready, we have prepared an information sheet that outlines what to do and what not to do before a fitness testing session. You can download a word document with this information and make any necessary changes.

Information Sheet Contents

In addition to the fitness test results, it is important to record the following information during each testing session:

  • What is fitness testing?
  • The purpose of fitness testing
  • What to do prior to the testing session, including questions like:
    • Can I exercise beforehand?
    • Can I eat beforehand?
    • What if I don’t feel well?
  • The testing session details, including questions like:
    • What do I have to do?
    • What should I wear?
    • Should I bring anything?


To receive your free download of the information sheet, simply enter your details below. The form is a word document that can be customized to suit your specific needs. You will also receive the “Fitness Testing Recording Sheet” along with it.

Please note that by submitting this form, you will also be subscribed (100% free) to the Auralpressure newsletter. This newsletter provides the latest updates on our website, as well as news in sport, science, fitness, and nutrition. You can easily unsubscribe at any time, but we believe you’ll find our content valuable. Plus, you’ll receive more freebies and great offers!

Feel free to modify the information sheet as needed, but kindly leave the source details and a link to our website in the footer. Thank you.

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What should I do before a fitness testing session?

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Before a fitness testing session, it is recommended to avoid exercising, eat a light meal, and ensure you are feeling well. Following these guidelines will ensure accurate test results.

What should I bring to a fitness testing session?

For a fitness testing session, it is important to bring comfortable workout attire and any equipment specified by the testing facility. Water and a towel are also recommended for hydration and personal comfort.


In preparation for a fitness testing session, it is essential for athletes to come well-prepared and ready to perform. Our information sheet provides valuable guidance on what to do and what not to do before a testing session. By following these guidelines, athletes can ensure accurate results and make the most out of their fitness testing experience.

Download your free copy of the information sheet from Auralpressure’s website and start preparing for your next fitness testing session today. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to receive more valuable content and exclusive offers by subscribing to our newsletter. Get started now and optimize your athletic performance.