Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test

The Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test is a valuable tool for assessing an individual’s ability to recover between high-intensity sprints. This test involves completing five 40m or 50m sprints with a minute of recovery between each sprint. It is one of several repeat sprint tests available, each with different sprint distances and recovery times. Other similar tests include the FIFA Interval Test 1, sprint recovery test, and phosphate recovery test.


The purpose of the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test is to evaluate an individual’s capacity to repeatedly produce high-intensity sprints while maintaining recovery between efforts. By measuring sprint times and monitoring heart rate during recovery, this test provides insight into speed endurance and overall recovery capacity.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Timing gates or two stopwatches
  • Stopwatch for measuring recovery time
  • Optional heart rate monitor
  • Measuring tape
  • Marker cones
  • At least 60 meters of running track


To perform the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test, follow these steps:

  1. Place timing gates or marker cones 40m or 50m apart to indicate the sprint distance.
  2. Ensure the participant’s front foot is positioned behind the starting line.
  3. When ready, the participant starts the first sprint, running maximally through the gate 40m or 50m away.
  4. Start a stopwatch to measure recovery time when the athlete begins running.
  5. Record sprint times while the second stopwatch continues to run.
  6. The participant must return to the start line within one minute before beginning the next sprint.
  7. Repeat this process for a total of five sprints, with maximal effort in each sprint.
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Scoring for the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test involves recording the time for each sprint. The decline in sprint speed is assessed to evaluate speed endurance. Additionally, heart rate is measured between the 40th and 55th second after each sprint, between the 60th and 90th second after the fifth sprint, and at the end of the third minute post-test to assess recovery capacity.

Target Population

The Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test is primarily designed for team sport athletes who require bursts of speed and the ability to recover quickly between efforts.


When performing the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test, it is important to ensure consistent conditions for all athletes, including the same surface and taking note of any wind. Athletes may wear athletics spikes if desired. It is also crucial to follow the same procedures if the test is repeated.

Similar Tests

Other similar tests to the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test include:

  • FIFA Interval Test 1: 6 x 40m sprints
  • Sprint Recovery Test: 6 x 30m sprints, starting at 20-second intervals (designed for AFL players)
  • Phosphate Recovery Test: 7 x 7-second sprints with 23 seconds of recovery
  • Sprint Fatigue Test: 10 x 30m sprints, starting every 30 seconds
  • RAST: 6 x 35m sprints, with a 10-second recovery between each sprint
  • Repeat Sprint Ability Test: 10 x 20m sprints, starting every 20 seconds
  • Sonic Test: 8 x 40m sprints, starting every 40 seconds (new)

Related Pages

For more information on sprint testing and anaerobic capacity, check out the following pages:

  • Warming up for sprint testing
  • Other anaerobic capacity tests
  • Testing for intermittent sports
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Q: How does the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test differ from other repeat sprint tests?
A: The Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test focuses on five sprints with a minute of recovery between each sprint, allowing for an assessment of recovery capacity and speed endurance.

Q: Can the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test be used for individual athletes or is it only suitable for team sport athletes?
A: While the test is primarily designed for team sport athletes, it can also be useful for individual athletes who require bursts of speed and quick recovery.

Q: Is it necessary to use timing gates for the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test, or can stopwatches be used instead?
A: Timing gates are preferred for accurate timing, but if not available, two stopwatches can be used to measure sprint times.


The Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test is a valuable tool for assessing an individual’s ability to recover between high-intensity sprints. By measuring sprint times and monitoring heart rate during recovery, this test provides valuable insights into an athlete’s speed endurance and overall recovery capacity. Whether you’re a team sport athlete or an individual looking to improve your sprint performance, the Dal Monte 5-Sprint Test can help guide your training and performance goals.