Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Margaria Kalamen Power Test

The Margaria Kalamen Power Test is a valuable assessment tool for measuring the power of the lower extremities. This test involves running up a flight of stairs, and it has been widely recognized in the field of fitness testing. The Margaria Kalamen Power Test is a variation of the original Margaria Step Test, which was developed by Margaria et al. in 1966. This test was introduced by Kalamen in 1968.

Purpose of the Margaria Kalamen Power Test

The primary purpose of the Margaria Kalamen Power Test is to evaluate the power of the lower extremities. It provides valuable insights into an individual’s explosive strength and helps fitness professionals determine an individual’s capabilities in activities such as sprinting and jumping.

Equipment Required

To conduct the Margaria Kalamen Power Test, you will need the following equipment:

  • Stopwatch
  • Tape measure
  • Flight of stairs with a starting line of 6 meters in front of the first step
  • Timing mats (optional)
  • Marked steps (3rd, 6th, and 9th steps)

It is important to accurately measure and record the vertical distance between the 3rd and 9th steps for use in the test’s results formula.

Pre-Test Procedures

Before conducting the Margaria Kalamen Power Test, it is crucial to perform the following pre-test procedures:

  • Explain the test procedures to the participant.
  • Screen for any potential health risks and obtain informed consent.
  • Prepare necessary forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions.
  • Mark out the designated test area.
  • Conduct a standard warm-up routine.
  • Measure and record the height of each step.
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Test Procedure

To administer the Margaria Kalamen Power Test, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the athlete’s weight in kilograms.
  2. Allow the athlete to warm up with a few practice runs up the steps.
  3. Have the athlete stand ready at the starting line, 6 meters in front of the first step.
  4. On the command “Go,” the athlete sprints to and up the flight of stairs, taking three steps at a time (stepping on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th steps).
  5. Record the time it takes for the athlete to reach from the 3rd step to the 9th step. You can use either a stopwatch or timing mats placed on the respective steps.
  6. Consider performing three trials of the test, with 2-3 minutes of recovery between each trial.

Scoring the Margaria Kalamen Power Test

The power (in watts) for the Margaria Kalamen Power Test can be calculated using the following formula:

P = (M x D) x 9.8 / t


  • P = Power (Watts)
  • M = Body mass (kg)
  • D = Vertical distance between steps 3 and 9 (meters)
  • t = Time (seconds)

Disadvantages and Reliability

One disadvantage of the Margaria Kalamen Power Test is that it requires steps of a specific height and a clear run-up area. This can limit its feasibility in certain settings. Additionally, the accuracy of the test may be compromised if a stopwatch is used instead of timing mats. To mitigate this, it is recommended to have two people record simultaneously and use the average of the two measurements. Providing participants with sufficient practice is also crucial to ensure confident and maximum effort.


  • Margaria, R., Aghemo, P., & Rovelli, E. (1966). Measurement of muscular power (anaerobic) in man. Journal of Applied Physiology 221, 1662-1664.
  • Kalamen, J. (1968). Measurement of maximum muscular power in man. Doctoral thesis, Ohio State University.
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Similar Tests

  • Standing Long Jump Test: This test assesses leg power and can be considered as an alternative to the Margaria Kalamen Power Test.

Related Pages

For other fitness tests focusing on leg power, please refer to the list of anaerobic tests available. These tests offer valuable insights into an individual’s physical capabilities and can aid in formulating effective training programs.


Q: How does the Margaria Kalamen Power Test measure lower extremity power?
A: The Margaria Kalamen Power Test measures lower extremity power by timing an individual as they run up a flight of stairs, focusing on explosive strength and speed.

Q: What equipment is required for the Margaria Kalamen Power Test?
A: To conduct the Margaria Kalamen Power Test, you will need a stopwatch, a tape measure, a flight of stairs, and optionally, timing mats.

Q: How can I ensure accurate results during the Margaria Kalamen Power Test?
A: To ensure accurate results, it is recommended to use timing mats instead of relying solely on a stopwatch. Additionally, having two people record simultaneously and averaging their measurements can further enhance accuracy.

Q: Can the Margaria Kalamen Power Test be performed without the availability of specific steps?
A: No, the Margaria Kalamen Power Test requires steps of the appropriate height and a clear run-up area.


The Margaria Kalamen Power Test is a valuable assessment tool that measures the power of the lower extremities. By timing an individual as they run up a flight of stairs, this test provides insight into an individual’s explosive strength and speed. To conduct the test, a stopwatch and tape measure are required, along with a flight of stairs and optionally, timing mats. Although the test has some limitations, such as the need for specific steps, it remains a reliable tool when administered correctly. Fitness professionals can utilize the Margaria Kalamen Power Test to evaluate an individual’s capabilities in activities such as sprinting and jumping and design effective training programs based on the results.

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