Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Y Balance Test (Lower Quarter)

The Y Balance Test is a dynamic assessment that measures strength, flexibility, core control, and proprioception in a single-leg stance. It is widely used to evaluate physical performance, identify functional symmetry, and identify athletes at a higher risk of lower extremity injuries. This article focuses on the Lower Quarter version of the Y Balance Test, which specifically assesses active balance and core control.


The purpose of the Y Balance Test is to assess an individual’s active balance and core control. By measuring the ability to maintain single-leg balance while reaching as far as possible in three different directions, this test provides valuable insights into an individual’s overall balance and stability.

Equipment Required

To perform the Y Balance Test, you will need a Y-Balance Test Kit and a tape measure. These tools are essential for accurately measuring the reach distance and calculating the results.


The Y Balance Test consists of six tests, performed on each leg. The three movement directions are anterior, posteromedial, and posterolateral. The tests are to be conducted in the following order:

  • Right Anterior Reach
  • Left Anterior Reach
  • Right Posteromedial Reach
  • Left Posteromedial Reach
  • Right Posterolateral Reach
  • Left Posterolateral Reach


During the Y Balance Test, the subject stands on one leg at the stance plate, with the toes of the foot positioned at the red line. The non-stance foot is placed lightly just behind the plate. The subject then reaches with the free foot in the desired direction, pushing the reach indicator as far as they can while maintaining balance. It is important that the free foot is returned to the starting position under control, without touching down or gaining support from the reach indicator.

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For a detailed explanation of the test procedure, you can refer to this video [insert link to video].


All measurements during the Y Balance Test are taken from the red line on the stance plate, to the nearest 0.5 cm. The distance reached is recorded for each test, and the maximum reach in each direction is used to calculate a “composite reach distance.” This calculation takes limb length into consideration and provides an overall measure of balance. Additionally, the results can be compared between the two legs to assess any asymmetry.

Credibility and References

The Y Balance Test has been widely used in various sports and athletic assessments. Research studies, such as the one conducted by Shaffer et al., have confirmed the reliability of this test. It is important to note that the Y Balance Test was added to the test protocols for the NHL Combine in 2015, further highlighting its significance in evaluating athletes’ physical performance.

For more information on the credibility and research behind the Y Balance Test, you can refer to the following reference:

  • Shaffer SW, Teyhen DS, Lorenson CL, Warren RL, Koreerat CM, Straseske CA, Childs JD. Y-Balance Test: a reliability study involving multiple raters. Mil Med. 2013;178(11):1264-70.

The Test in Action

The Y Balance Test is an integral part of the test protocols for the NHL Combine, showcasing its relevance and applicability in the field of sports performance evaluation.

Similar Tests

Another test that focuses on balance assessment is the Star Excursion Balance Test. While similar to the Y Balance Test, the Star Excursion Balance Test provides its own unique insights into an individual’s balance capabilities.

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Related Pages

To learn more about the Y Balance Test and its application, you can watch a video specifically dedicated to this test. Additionally, you can explore other balance tests, gain insights into the NHL Combine, and delve into the broader topic of balance testing.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the Y Balance Test and its significance in assessing active balance and core control. If you would like to learn more or perform the Y Balance Test yourself, we encourage you to visit our website [insert website link] and access the necessary resources.