Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Cadence Pull-Up Test

The Cadence Pull-Up Test is a specialized variation of the standard pull-up test, specifically designed for evaluating potential recruits for the Royal Marines. Unlike the traditional pull-up test, this version requires participants to adhere to a predetermined cadence of 15 pull-ups per minute, equating to one pull-up every four seconds.

Purpose and Equipment

The primary purpose of the Cadence Pull-Up Test is to assess upper body strength and endurance. To conduct this test, you will need a stopwatch or metronome to maintain the required cadence. Additionally, a horizontal overhead bar is necessary, ensuring it is set at an appropriate height that allows participants to hang from it with fully extended arms and feet off the floor. Be sure to measure and record the height of the bar for accurate results.

Test Procedure

Before initiating the test, it is essential to explain the procedures to the participant and conduct a screening to identify any potential health risks. Obtain informed consent and gather basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions. Ensure the participants perform a standard warm-up routine.

During the test, participants will start from a dead hang position with their arms fully extended and locked, keeping their bodies motionless and feet off the floor. Grasping the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away), participants will complete one full pull-up every four seconds, following the metronome’s indication of every two seconds for the ‘up’ and ‘down’ motion of each pull-up. To count as a valid pull-up, the chin must clear the top of the bar, and the body must be straight while descending, without crossing the legs. The test concludes either when participants achieve a maximum of 16 complete pull-ups or when they are unable to complete another pull-up. Remember to record the maximum number of correctly performed pull-ups.

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Scoring and Comments

Scoring for the Cadence Pull-Up Test is simply based on the maximum number of pull-ups performed correctly. This test protocol is commonly utilized in the Potential Royal Marines Course (PRMC) and Potential Officers Course (POC) at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM).

Please note that the United States Air Force Academy also has a pull-up test known as the cadence pull-up test, but their protocol does not specify a set cadence. Instead, participants are required to follow the up and down instructions provided by the assessor.

Similar Tests

If you’re interested in exploring related tests, consider the following options:

  • General testing procedure for the Pull Up Test
  • NAPFA pull up
  • Pull up procedure from the US Marine Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
  • Horizontal Pull-Up Test — a variation that reduces the level of difficulty by not requiring the full body weight to be lifted
  • Modified Pull-Up — with the body positioned horizontally, participants grasp a bar set just out of reach and pull up towards it
  • Cadence Push-Up Test at 20 per minute

Related Pages

For more resources and information related to pull-ups, consider checking out the following:

  • Free Online Metronome
  • Where to buy pull-up or chin-up bars
  • Chin-up test videos
  • POLL: Do you call it a chin-up or pull-up?
  • Overhand or underhand – a description of each of the grip types
  • World Records for Pull / Chin Ups
  • Pull-up test norms
  • Description of the chin-up fitness exercise


Q: How is the Cadence Pull-Up Test different from the standard pull-up test?
A: The Cadence Pull-Up Test requires participants to follow a set cadence of 15 pull-ups per minute, whereas the standard pull-up test does not impose a specific cadence.

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Q: What does the Cadence Pull-Up Test measure?
A: The Cadence Pull-Up Test measures upper body strength and endurance.

Q: What equipment is needed for the Cadence Pull-Up Test?
A: To conduct the Cadence Pull-Up Test, you will need a stopwatch or metronome and a horizontal overhead bar.


The Cadence Pull-Up Test is a specialized assessment used by the Royal Marines to evaluate potential recruits. This variation of the pull-up test requires participants to perform 15 pull-ups per minute, following a predetermined cadence. It measures upper body strength and endurance. The test procedure involves participants starting from a dead hang position and completing one pull-up every four seconds, with their chin clearing the top of the bar and body remaining straight during descent. Scoring is based on the maximum number of correctly performed pull-ups. Other related tests and additional resources are available for further exploration.