Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Leg Extension Strength Test

The Leg Extension Test is a valuable measure of lower body strength. In this isometric strength test, the participant sits on a table and attempts to extend their leg against an immovable object. This test aims to evaluate the individual’s lower body strength.

Purpose and Equipment Required

The purpose of the Leg Extension Test is to measure lower body strength. The equipment required for this test includes a table and a specially constructed box with two arm supports, connected to a screen.

Test Procedure

During the Leg Extension Test, the participant sits on the table between the arm supports with their lower legs hanging down at a 90° knee angle. A shin guard attached to a resistance is fastened around the participant’s right lower leg. The participant then tries to extend their right leg by raising the lower leg with maximum strength and holds that position for 3 seconds. It is important to avoid any explosive movements during the test. After one practice trial, the best score of three trials is recorded. The resting period between trials is approximately 30 seconds.

Scoring and Target Population

The scoring of the Leg Extension Test is measured in kilograms of force. A higher score indicates better performance. This test was specifically designed for the elderly population.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The Leg Extension Test provides valuable insights into an individual’s lower body strength. However, one disadvantage is that the blocks specifically designed for this test need to be obtained.

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Test in Action and Similar Tests

The Leg Extension Test is part of the protocol for the Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly. Other tests that are similar to the Leg Extension Test include the Mid-Thigh Pull Test (IMTP), Isometric Back Strength, Isometric Push-Up (Brockport), Isometric Push-Up Hold Test, and Isokinetic strength tests.


The Leg Extension Test is a valuable measure of lower body strength. During this test, the participant sits on a table and attempts to extend their leg against an immovable object. The test aims to evaluate the individual’s lower body strength. It is important to perform the test correctly, following the specified procedures and using the required equipment. The score obtained during the test indicates the individual’s performance, with a higher score indicating better strength. This test is particularly useful for evaluating the strength of the elderly population.