Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw

The Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw is a test used to assess power and measure upper and lower body strength and explosive power. This test is particularly beneficial for sports that require upper body strength, such as rowing, tennis, and javelin throwing.


The purpose of the Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw is to evaluate body torso strength and explosive power, especially with a twisting action.

Equipment Required:

To conduct this test, you will need a 2-5 kg medicine ball (depending on the age and ability of the group being tested) and a tape measure.


  1. The subject stands at a line with their feet slightly apart, facing the direction in which the ball will be thrown.
  2. The ball is held with the hands just under the ball and the arms extended in front of the body.
  3. The ball is swung back behind the body, twisting the hips and torso, and then swung back vigorously to throw the ball as far as possible.
  4. Encourage the subject to use their legs, back, and arms to maximize the distance thrown.
  5. The subject is allowed to fall forward over the line after releasing the ball.
  6. The action is repeated on each side of the body, and three attempts are allowed on each side.
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The distance from the starting position to where the ball lands is recorded. The measurement is recorded to the nearest 0.5 foot or 10 cm. The best result of the three throws is used.


  • This test is easy and quick to perform for an individual.


  • Several people are needed to conduct this test smoothly: one to mark results, another to check technique, and another to collect and return the balls.
  • If testing a large group of participants, it can be time-consuming to put all of them through this test.


  • The angle at which the ball is thrown is important. It is recommended to explain the optimal angle for maximum distance to the subject and allow them some practice attempts.
  • To ease measurement, extend a tape measure along the expected path in front of the subject.
  • When recording the distance, you can either move the tape to where the ball landed or align where the ball landed to the approximate distance on the tape.


There are other medicine ball throw tests available. The weight of the medicine ball will obviously affect the results, so choose the appropriate weight based on the age group or abilities of the participants.

Similar Tests:

  • Underhand Medicine Ball Throw
  • Overhead Powerball Backwards Throw
  • Powerball Kneeling Overhead Toss

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Q: What is the purpose of the Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw test?
A: The purpose of this test is to measure upper and lower body strength and explosive power, particularly with a twisting action.

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Q: Which sports benefit from the Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw test?
A: Sports that require upper body strength, such as rowing, tennis, and javelin throwing, can benefit from this test.

Q: Is the Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw test easy to conduct?
A: Yes, this test is easy and quick to perform for an individual.

Q: Are there any variations of the medicine ball throw tests?
A: Yes, there are other variations of the medicine ball throw tests available.

Q: Where can I find more information about medicine ball fitness tests?
A: For more information about medicine ball fitness tests, you can visit our website here.


The Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw test is a valuable assessment tool for evaluating power, upper and lower body strength, and explosive power. It is particularly useful for sports that require upper body strength. This test involves throwing a medicine ball for distance, utilizing a twisting action. By following the proper procedure and scoring guidelines, you can accurately measure an individual’s performance. The Standing or Side Medicine Ball Throw test is easy to conduct, but it may require additional personnel when testing a large group. Remember to provide proper instruction to participants and consider variations based on age groups or abilities. For more information on medicine ball fitness tests and related topics, visit our website here.