Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

Snooker Rules: A Comprehensive Guide

Snooker is a captivating cue sport that has gained significant popularity around the world, particularly in India and China. Although British players have dominated the highest levels of the game, snooker is played in clubs and even pubs throughout the UK by enthusiasts of all skill levels.

With its roots in billiards, snooker emerged in the late 19th century and has since become a beloved sport. In this article, we will explore the rules and intricacies of snooker, providing you with a comprehensive guide to enhance your understanding of the game.

Object of the Game

The objective of snooker is to pot the balls in the correct sequence using the white cue ball and score more points than your opponent. Each individual game unit is called a frame.

Players & Equipment

Snooker is played in a one-on-one format, with specific regulations for the size of the table and balls. A regulation snooker table is rectangular, measuring 12ft x 6ft, and has a height of just under 3ft. The table is predominantly made of wood, with a slate top covered in green baize. It features six pockets: one in each corner and two in the middle of the long sides or cushions.

The game starts from the baulk end, marked by a line 29 inches from the baulk cushion. At the center of this line is the D, an 11.5 inch-radius semi-circle.

The balls used in snooker are made from phenolic resin and have a diameter of approximately 2.7 inches (52.5mm). There are 15 red balls and one each of black, pink, blue, brown, green, and yellow. The reds are placed in a triangle behind the pink, while the colored balls have designated spots around the table.

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To strike the balls, players use a cue, typically made of wood, that must adhere to specific size and shape requirements.


In snooker, players earn one point for potting a red ball and must then nominate a color for their next shot. The colors are worth varying points, with black being the most valuable (seven points) followed by pink (six), blue (five), brown (four), green (three), and yellow (two). After potting a color, the player reverts to a red ball and continues this alternating pattern until all the reds are potted.

Once the reds are cleared, the remaining six colors are potted in ascending order of points, ending with the black. The highest possible break is referred to as a maximum break or a 147, achieved by potting all 15 reds and blacks followed by the other colors.

If a player commits a foul, their opponent is awarded a specific number of points, depending on the circumstances. For example, fouls involving the blue, pink, or black balls carry a higher penalty.

Winning the Game

The winner of a frame is determined by the player who scores the most points. When a player has a lead greater than the remaining points on the table, their opponent is said to “need snookers.” A snooker occurs when the balls are positioned in a way that a player cannot directly hit the next legal ball, aiming to force a foul and earn points. If a player believes they cannot win, even with the help of snookers, they may concede the frame.

Matches are usually played in a “best of” format, with a set number of frames determining the winner. In prestigious events like the World Championship, the number of frames can range from three to 35, depending on the round.

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Rules of Snooker

Here are some essential rules to keep in mind while playing snooker:

  • Players take turns breaking, with a coin toss determining who starts the first frame. The break shot must strike a red ball.
  • Frames can be restarted if both players agree that the current frame could lead to a stalemate.
  • A push shot, where the cue tip remains in contact with the cue ball while it touches the target ball, is considered a foul.
  • If a player fails to strike the correct ball or is deemed not to have made a serious attempt, the referee may call a miss, awarding the opposing player with a foul and the option to replay the shot.
  • All balls must be stationary before the next shot is played.
  • The cue ball must strike the nominated ball first. Failure to do so, or not hitting any ball at all, results in a foul.
  • Touching any ball with any part of the player’s body or cue, other than the white ball, constitutes a foul.
  • Hitting a ball off the table is also considered a foul.
  • If the spot where a colored ball would usually be replaced is occupied by another ball, the colored ball is placed on the next available spot.
  • When the cue ball is touching another ball, the referee declares it a “touching ball,” requiring the player to play away from it. If the touching ball moves, it is deemed a foul unless the player had already nominated it.
  • If a player commits a foul, preventing the opponent from hitting the next legal ball, a free ball is declared. The player may then hit any ball of their choice, scoring and acting as if it were the next legal ball.
  • Players must have at least one foot on the ground while playing a shot.
  • Potting the white ball or performing a jump shot that clears another ball off the table both constitute fouls.
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Q: How many points are awarded for potting a red ball in snooker?

A: In snooker, potting a red ball earns a player one point.

Q: What is the maximum break in snooker?

A: The maximum break in snooker, also known as a 147, is achieved by potting all 15 reds and their accompanying blacks, followed by the other colors in ascending order of points.

Q: How is the winner determined in a game of snooker?

A: The player who scores the most points in a frame is declared the winner. Once a player has a lead greater than the remaining points on the table, their opponent is said to “need snookers” and it becomes highly unlikely for them to win.

Q: How is a snooker defined in snooker?

A: A snooker occurs when the balls are strategically positioned, preventing a player from directly hitting the next legal ball. The objective is to force a foul and gain an advantage by earning additional points.


In summary, snooker is a captivating cue sport that has gained immense popularity worldwide. This comprehensive guide has provided you with a solid understanding of the rules and intricacies of the game. From the objective of potting balls in the correct sequence to the scoring system and winning strategies, you are now equipped to enjoy and excel in the thrilling sport of snooker.

For more in-depth information and a chance to further hone your skills, we encourage you to visit the Auralpressure website. Happy cueing and may your snooker adventures be filled with excitement and success!

Visit for more snooker tips and tricks.