Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

6 Minute Run Test

The 6 Minute Run Test is an effective and efficient way to assess aerobic endurance fitness. This test requires participants to run for six minutes and cover as much distance as possible within that time frame. It is a shorter alternative to the 12 Minute Cooper Run Test, making it suitable for individuals with time constraints.


The primary purpose of the 6 Minute Run Test is to evaluate the body’s ability to use oxygen as an energy source, which is a key component of aerobic endurance fitness.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need a flat oval or running track, marking cones, recording sheets, a stopwatch, and marker cones. These tools are essential for accurately measuring the distance covered during the six-minute run.


Prior to the test, it is essential to explain the procedures to the participant and conduct a screening of health risks. Obtaining informed consent and recording basic information such as age, height, body weight, and gender is also crucial. Participants will run for six minutes, and the total distance covered will be recorded. While walking is allowed, participants should be encouraged to push themselves as hard as they can.


Unlike some other fitness tests, there are no norm values available for the 6 Minute Run Test. However, to provide an idea of expected scores, a test conducted with the Newcastle Knights rugby team in 2008 resulted in one of their top players covering a distance of 1680m. This score positioned him 80m ahead of his nearest rival and significantly ahead of many teammates.

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Target Population

The 6 Minute Run Test is particularly suitable for individuals who are unfit or unable to run. However, there are similar walking tests that can be performed as alternatives.


The reliability of this test depends on factors such as practice, pacing strategies, and motivation levels. Addressing these factors can significantly improve the test’s reliability.

Advantages and Disadvantages

One of the key advantages of the 6 Minute Run Test is the ability to test large groups simultaneously. Additionally, it is a cost-effective and straightforward test to perform. Moreover, it requires less time compared to the 12 Minute Cooper Run Test. However, achieving optimal scores on this test requires practice, pacing, and motivation, which can be considered disadvantages.

Variations and Modifications

This test can also be conducted using a treadmill set to a 1 percent incline, mimicking outdoor running. Additionally, there are various variations of the walk/run test that can be explored.


Bolonchuk, W. W. conducted a study on the accuracy of the six-minute run test to measure cardiorespiratory fitness. The results showed a high level of reliability between the 12-minute and six-minute jogging tests. Furthermore, a strong correlation between the six-minute and 12-minute test scores was observed.

Similar Tests

  • Six-Minute Walk Test: A fitness test designed specifically for seniors, requiring participants to walk for six minutes and cover the maximum distance possible.
  • 1-Mile Endurance Run/Walk Test: Participants must complete one mile in the fastest time possible.
  • 12 Minute Cooper Run Test: Participants aim to cover as much distance as they can within 12 minutes.
  • Other run tests include the Balke 15 Minute Run, APFT 2 Mile Run Test, and Marine PFT 3-Mile Run.
  • Other walking tests include the Rockport Walk Test, 2 km Walk Test, and 1/2 Mile Walk.
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Related Pages

  • General Walk/Run Tests: A comprehensive list of various walk and run tests.
  • Comparison Page: An overview of different walk and run tests for easy comparison.
  • Other Aerobic Tests: Explore additional tests to assess aerobic fitness levels.