Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

500m Rowing Ergo Test

The 500m Rowing Ergo Test is a specific fitness test designed for rowers as part of the eTID Talent Identification Testing Program. This test aims to measure total body anaerobic power by completely exhausting all anaerobic energy production pathways.

Equipment Required

To perform the test, you will need a Concept IID rowing ergometer (or equivalent) and set a specific drag factor. For females, the drag factor should be set at 90, while for males, it should be set at 100.

Test Procedure

Before starting the test, ensure that the drag factor is set correctly and the preferred display option is selected on the screen. Sit ready to begin the 500m trial and aim to cover the distance in the shortest possible time. It is recommended to maintain an even split, completing the first 250m in the same time as the second 250m.


Record the time taken to complete the 500m in minutes and seconds, as well as the average stroke rate achieved during the test.

Target Population

This test is specifically designed for rowers.


  • Verbal encouragement during the test can help the subject achieve their maximal score.
  • It is crucial to calibrate the equipment and perform a standard warm-up before conducting the test.

The Test in Action

The 500m Rowing Ergo Test is an essential part of the eTID Talent Identification Testing Program for rowing.

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Similar Tests

  • 2000m (2km) rowing ergometer test: Aim to cover the 2km distance in the shortest possible time.
  • 5km Rowing Ergometer Test: Aim to cover the 5000m distance in the shortest possible time.
  • Rowing Beep Test: An incremental test performed on a rowing ergometer.

Related Pages

  • Fitness testing for rowers
  • Rowing Ergometers for Fitness Testing
  • About the eTID Talent Identification Testing Program
  • ETID Fitness Testing for Rowing
  • About the sport of rowing, which includes indoor rowing competitions
  • See the list of anaerobic capacity tests


Q: How does the 500m Rowing Ergo Test measure anaerobic power?

A: The 500m Rowing Ergo Test aims to measure total body anaerobic power by completely exhausting all anaerobic energy production pathways. This helps assess an individual’s anaerobic capacity and overall rowing fitness.

Q: What equipment is required for the 500m Rowing Ergo Test?

A: To perform the test, you will need a Concept IID rowing ergometer (or equivalent). It is essential to set the correct drag factor based on the gender of the participant.

Q: What is the ideal strategy for completing the 500m Rowing Ergo Test?

A: To achieve the best results, it is recommended to maintain an even split during the test, completing the first 250m in the same time as the second 250m. Starting too fast or conservatively may impact overall performance.

Q: Who is the target population for the 500m Rowing Ergo Test?

A: This test is specifically designed for rowers, particularly those participating in the eTID Talent Identification Testing Program.

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The 500m Rowing Ergo Test is a valuable fitness assessment tool for rowers. By measuring total body anaerobic power, this test provides insights into an individual’s anaerobic capacity and overall rowing fitness. It is important to use the correct equipment, set the appropriate drag factor, and follow the recommended test procedures to ensure accurate and meaningful results. Whether you are a rower or a fitness professional working with rowers, incorporating the 500m Rowing Ergo Test into your training program can help optimize performance on the water.