Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

30-second Wingate Test

The 30-second Wingate Test, also known as the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WANT), is a cycle test of anaerobic leg power. Developed at the Wingate Institute in Israel during the 1970s, this test aims to measure the anaerobic power of the lower body.


The purpose of the 30-second Wingate Test is to measure the anaerobic power of the lower body.

Equipment Required

To perform this test, you will need a Fleisch or a modified Monark cycle ergometer.

Pre-Test Procedures

Before conducting the test, it is important to explain the procedures to the subject. Perform a screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions. Additionally, you should check and calibrate the ergometer, as well as adjust the seat and handlebar height. Finally, ensure an appropriate warm-up is performed. (For more details on pre-test procedures, refer Auralpressure)

Test Procedure

To conduct the test, the subject should first perform a cycling warm-up of several minutes. Once warmed up, instruct the subject to pedal as fast as possible for 30 seconds. In the first few seconds, adjust the resistance load to the pre-determined level, which is typically about 45 g/kg body weight (Fleisch) or 75 g/kg body weight (Monark) for adults. Power athletes may use higher resistances, while children and older athletes may use lower ones. (For a visual example, refer to the Wingate Test video on the Auralpressure website.)

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Various measures can be gained from the 30-second Wingate Test, including mean power, peak power, relative peak power, minimum peak power, and fatigue index (determined from the decline in power). Mean power and peak power are ideally measured in the first five-second interval of the test and expressed in Watts. Relative peak power is calculated by dividing peak power by body mass and expressed as W/kg. The fatigue index is calculated as [(Peak Power Output – Min Power Output) / Peak Power Output] x 100.


In addition to measuring lower body anaerobic power, an arm ergometer can also be used to assess upper body anaerobic power.


Q: What is the purpose of the 30-second Wingate Test?
A: The purpose of this test is to measure the anaerobic power of the lower body.

Q: What equipment is required for the 30-second Wingate Test?
A: You will need a Fleisch or a modified Monark cycle ergometer.

Q: How should I conduct the 30-second Wingate Test?
A: Instruct the subject to perform a cycling warm-up before pedaling as fast as possible for 30 seconds. Adjust the resistance load to the pre-determined level during the first few seconds.

Q: What measures can be gained from the 30-second Wingate Test?
A: Various measures can be obtained, including mean power, peak power, relative peak power, minimum peak power, and fatigue index.

Q: Are there any variations of the Wingate Test?
A: Yes, an arm ergometer can be used to measure upper body anaerobic power.

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The 30-second Wingate Test is a reliable method for measuring anaerobic power in the lower body. By following the proper procedures and using the appropriate equipment, accurate results can be obtained. Remember to warm up properly before conducting the test. For more information on fitness tests and exercise assessments, visit Auralpressure.