Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

20-Meter Agility Test

The 20-Meter Agility Test is a fundamental measure of an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, change direction, and accelerate again. It involves running to a marker 5 meters on either side, touching the line with the foot. There is also a version of this test called the 20-Yard Agility Test, where the measurement is in yards instead of meters. The NFL uses a similar test called the 20-Yard Shuttle for their Combine Testing, with a different starting position and hand touches instead of foot touches on the lines.

Purpose and Equipment Required

The purpose of the 20-Meter Agility Test is to assess an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction. To conduct this test, you will need start/stop timing gates or a stopwatch, a tape measure, a non-slip running surface, and cone markers. It is essential to ensure that the participants are adequately warmed up and to perform screening for any health risks before proceeding with the test.

Test Layout and Procedure

For the 20-Meter Agility Test, set up three marker cones in a straight line, exactly five meters apart. Mark lines across each cone using tape. The timer should be positioned at the level of the center cone, facing the athlete. To start, the athlete straddles the center cone with feet an equal distance apart and parallel to the line of cones. When ready, the athlete runs to the first cone, touches the line with either foot, turns, and accelerates to the last cone, again touching the line. The test is finished when the athlete’s torso crosses the center line at the starting cone. The stopwatch is started on the first movement of the athlete and stopped when the athlete’s torso crosses the center line.

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Scoring and Tips

The best time out of two trials should be recorded for scoring purposes. It is important to encourage athletes to accelerate through the finish line to maximize their results. The 20-Meter Agility Test is often included in fitness testing batteries for lacrosse officials.


Q: Are there any similar tests to the 20-Meter Agility Test?
A: Yes, there are several similar tests, including the 20-Yard Agility Shuttle used by the USA Women’s Soccer Team. The NFL also has a similar test called the 20-Yard Shuttle, which has a different starting position and involves touching the lines with the hands. Other tests include the 30-ft shuttle run, the 60-yards shuttle, and the 300-yards shuttle.


The 20-Meter Agility Test is a valuable measure of an athlete’s ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction. It is a simple yet effective test that can provide insights into an athlete’s agility and quickness. By incorporating this test into fitness assessments, coaches and trainers can tailor training programs to improve an athlete’s performance in sports that require quick changes of direction. For more information and resources on fitness testing, visit Auralpressure.