Tuesday, 17 Sep 2024

2-Minute Step in Place Test

The 2-Minute Step in Place test is a valuable component of the Senior Fitness Test Protocol, specifically designed to evaluate the functional fitness of seniors. It serves as an alternative assessment for individuals who use orthopedic devices while walking or those who experience difficulties with balance.


The primary objective of the 2-Minute Step in Place test is to measure aerobic endurance, which is a crucial aspect of physical fitness for seniors.

Equipment Required

To conduct this test, you will need the following items:

  • Tape for marking the wall
  • Stopwatch
  • Wall for support

Pre-Test Procedures

Before initiating the test, it is important to:

  • Explain the test procedures clearly to the participant
  • Conduct a screening to identify any potential health risks
  • Obtain informed consent from the participant
  • Prepare necessary forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, and test conditions

Test Procedure

The test procedure involves the following steps:

  1. The participant stands upright next to a wall while a mark is placed on the wall at a level that corresponds to the midpoint between the patella (knee cap) and illiac crest (top of the hip bone).
  2. The participant then performs a march in place for two minutes, raising their knees to the height of the mark on the wall.
  3. Resting is allowed during the test, and participants can hold onto the wall or a stable chair if needed.
  4. The test is concluded after two minutes of stepping.
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The test score is determined by counting the total number of times the right knee reaches the tape level within the two-minute duration. The table below provides the recommended ranges for this test based on different age groups (source: Jones & Rikli, 2002):

Men’s Results:

Age Group Average Score
60-64 83-147
65-69 71-128
70-74 61-109
75-79 56-100
80-84 50-92
85+ 43-83

Women’s Results:

Age Group Average Score
60-64 80-137
65-69 70-123
70-74 64-112
75-79 58-104
80-84 50-98
85+ 43-88

Target Population

The 2-Minute Step in Place test is specifically designed for the aged population who may not be able to perform traditional fitness tests due to various limitations and conditions.


This test offers several advantages, including:

  • Simplicity: The test is easy to administer and requires minimal equipment.
  • Convenience: It can be conducted in any suitable indoor space.


It’s important to note the following limitations of the 2-Minute Step in Place test:

  • Not suitable for individuals with moderate to high fitness levels.
  • May not provide a comprehensive assessment of overall fitness.

Additional Considerations

If a participant experiences difficulty maintaining balance during the test, they are permitted to use the wall, table, or chair for support.


  • Jones C.J., Rikli R.E., Measuring functional fitness of older adults, The Journal on Active Aging, March-April 2002, pp. 24-30.
  • Anna Różańska-Kirschke, Piotr Kocur, Małgorzata Wilk, Piotr Dylewicz, The Fullerton Fitness Test as an index of fitness in the elderly, Medical Rehabilitation 2006; 10(2): 9-16.


Coming soon!


The 2-Minute Step in Place test is a valuable tool for evaluating the aerobic endurance of seniors. It offers a convenient and simple way to assess functional fitness for individuals who may face challenges with traditional fitness tests. Incorporating this test into fitness assessments can provide valuable insights into the overall health and well-being of seniors. For more information about fitness assessments and related topics, visit Auralpressure.

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