Thursday, 19 Sep 2024

10 Meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test (MSST)

The 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test (MSST) is a modified version of the popular Beep Test, specifically designed to assess the aerobic fitness of competitive water polo players. Developed by sport scientists in Western Australia, this test has become an essential tool for measuring the endurance and performance potential of water polo athletes.


The primary objective of the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test is to evaluate the aerobic fitness levels of water polo players. By measuring their ability to swim a 10-meter distance at progressively increasing speeds until volitional exhaustion, this test provides valuable insights into the athletes’ endurance capabilities and overall fitness.

Equipment Required

To conduct the MSST, you will need a swimming pool with lane ropes set up 10 meters apart. Additionally, you will require a test CD and a CD player. Alternatively, you can utilize the team beep test software to create your own test if you have access to the required speed specifications.

Test Procedure

Similar to the running shuttle test, the MSST is conducted in a pool, specifically designed for water polo players. The participants swim between lane ropes set up 10 meters apart, without the benefit of a wall to push off. Starting at a speed of 0.9 m/s, the test progresses by increasing the speed by 0.05 m/s with each stage. Each stage typically lasts around one minute, and the shuttles are signaled by an audio cue.

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The score for the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test is determined by the level of achievement and the number of shuttles completed before the participant is no longer able to keep up with the recording. This scoring system allows for an effective assessment of the aerobic fitness of an entire team, utilizing minimal time and pool space.

Target Population

The MSST is suitable for assessing the aerobic fitness of water polo players across all levels, from school and club participants to international athletes. Regardless of gender, this test provides valuable insights into the endurance capabilities of individuals competing in this challenging sport.

Reliability and Validity

Extensive research has been conducted to establish the reliability and validity of the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test. In one study involving both male and female water polo players, an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.99 was computed between two test scores, indicating high test-retest reliability. Additionally, a validation correlation coefficient of 0.88 was found between the number of shuttles completed during the MSST and VO2max measured during an incremental tethered swim test to exhaustion.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The significant advantage of the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test is its ability to assess the aerobic fitness of an entire team efficiently, utilizing limited time and pool space. However, it’s important to note that practice and motivation levels can influence test scores, and scoring can be subjective, similar to the running beep test.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the purpose of the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test?
A: The primary purpose of this test is to evaluate the aerobic fitness levels of water polo players.

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Q: What equipment is required to conduct the MSST?
A: To conduct the test, you will need a swimming pool with lane ropes set up 10 meters apart, a test CD, and a CD player. Alternatively, you can use the team beep test software.

Q: Who is the target population for this test?
A: The MSST is suitable for assessing the aerobic fitness of water polo players at all levels, ranging from school/club participants to international athletes.

Q: How reliable and valid is the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test?
A: Extensive research has been conducted to establish the reliability and validity of the test, with high test-retest reliability and a strong correlation between test results and VO2max.


The 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test is a valuable tool for assessing the aerobic fitness of water polo players. Its efficiency, flexibility, and ability to provide key insights into an athlete’s endurance capabilities make it an essential component of any comprehensive fitness assessment. By incorporating the MSST into training programs, coaches and athletes can optimize performance and achieve their goals in the competitive world of water polo.

For more information on the 10-meter Multistage Shuttle Swim Test and other swimming endurance tests, please visit Auralpressure.